What narratives for ecological transformation? (re)Thinking technosolutionist and apocalyptic imaginaries for a more sustainable society

Brief description

Principal investigators: Stéphanie Missonier (HEC), Estefania Amer (HEC), Raphaël Baroni (Lettres), Grégoire Zimmermann (SSP), with the collaboration of Marc Audétat (SSP)

This project aims to analyze the impact of two types of dominant narratives - technosolutionist narratives and apocalyptic narratives - on the ecological and social transformation, with a particular focus on the cultural and economic/managerial fields. By collecting and studying data from these two fields, and adopting an action-research approach, the project will intervene in the secondary and university education sector. The aim is to develop tools for deconstructing dominant narratives that would be demobilizing and potentially disempowering - "technology will solve everything" and "all is lost" - and to promote the emergence of alternative narratives carrying action and hope (so-called "earth narratives").